The Cemetery Database

The cemetery listings page is designed to help you find a cemetery where your relatives might be located. If you find a match, feel free to print the maps available to help you find the cemetery and your relatives.

It is my hope that this project will ensure that we never lose track of our long passed relatives. I want my grandchildren to be able to find my grandfather in that little country cemetery in east Texas. Because they will find a hundred other relatives there as well. The cemeteries are a great source of information and inspiration and I want to do my part to pass that on.

If you want to help in this project, feel free to do so. The data in the cemetery database comes from two sources: 1) the actual database where relatives have told me where their ancestors are buried; and 2) from cemetery surveys, either from a library or the net.

At the present time the listings include only the first and second generation Inmans. That is those that bear the Inman name and then the daughters and their families. As I get time I will expand the database to include all cemeteries known to hold Inman descendants.

What You Can Do To Help

1. Check the gen. database and let me know where your ancestors are buried if not already listed.

2. Send me copies of cemetery surveys that you find, whether from a library or the net. I will post the data on the cemetery page and then add the cemetery to the database.

3. Check the cemetery listings and let me know if you know where any of these cemeteries are located. Because a cemetery goes by several names, many incorrect, I have not been able to locate all of them. If you can tell me the correct name, city, approximate location, or send me a computer map, like MapQuest, that would be a great help.

4. Work in a visit to some of these cemeteries on your next vacation or weekend outing. If you will let me know, I will get you a list from the gen. database of all those that I have been told are there and those that I think may be there.

5. Locate maps, or sketch out simple drawings, of these cemeteries. Whether you find them in books, get them from the cemetery, or doodle them yourself, they are going to be invaluable in the years to come. They don't have to be fancy. Many on my site are just stick drawings. Some are too difficult to reproduce so I scan the cemetery's brochure. All I want is a basic outline with general landmarks and the headstones shown.

6. Send photos. I would like to preserve the tombstones as they are now. There are too many ways that these stones can, and will, be destroyed. Many are already gone. This is our chance to preserve what we can for the future.

Thanks for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon.